Intern Spotlight: Nesha Subramaniam

Nesha is CCL’s Conservative Outreach Intern this spring! She is a junior at University of Pennsylvania.

Nesha is CCL’s Conservative Outreach Intern this spring! She is a junior at University of Pennsylvania.

In one word:  Open-Minded

Nesha is a California native and a student at University of Pennsylvania, majoring in Environmental Studies.  This spring, Nesha is working as CCL’s Conservative Outreach Intern, where her responsibilities include assisting the Conservative Outreach Coordinator to engage right-of-center individuals in environmental and climate advocacy to help increase their support for market-based policies. She will also be recruiting individuals to the Young and Conservative Caucuses, while conducting research on federal and state legislators. In addition, Nesha will provide administrative support with calls, emails, research, and data entry.  

In school, Nesha has seen her studies highlight the influence of climate change in today's weather patterns leading to an increase of floods, droughts and storms. Due to these extreme weather changes, the global community is seeing impacts to food security and water resources, which can lead to more shortages. Nesha is passionate about climate advocacy because of the potential it has to influence people and policies to bring about change and with such awareness comes the hope that further action can be taken and supported to drastically reduce climate hazards.

When she is not in class, Nesha enjoys tea, taking long walks or re-watching her favorite movie ‘Wall-E’. On her walks she reflects on climate advocacy, hoping to one day build support for national bipartisan climate solutions. We think she’s in the right place, so stand by to see the climate advocacy she brings to CCL!