Lobbying and Conferences
CCL conferences and lobby days
CCL’s conferences are inspiring, empowering, and life-changing. The last in-person Citizens’ Climate International Conference welcomed more than 1200 concerned citizens to Washington D.C.. Our virtual conference in 2020 had over 4000 registered participants.
Scholarships for students
CCL offers a limited number of scholarships to students to attend CCL’s national conference in Washington DC. Scholarships range from partial discount for registration, to stipends for lodging and travel. CCL fellows, campus leaders, and interns receive free registration to CCL conferences. Scholarships are also available to students of color, conservatives, and emerging leaders.
Due to the current pandemic, all conferences are virtual and free to attend. When in-person conferences are safe, grant opportunities will resume.
For questions, please contact highered@citizensclimatelobby.org.