Fellow Spotlight: Savannah Sottak

In one word: organized! 

Savannah is CCL’s legislative fellow! She is a recent graduate of the University of South Carolina.

Growing up in the Turks and Caicos Islands, Savannah was always aware of the effects of climate change. As she saw the environment around her change, she knew that reducing carbon emissions would save the island she lived on from being completely devastated by global warming. Savannah is a recent graduate of the University of South Carolina and works at Candlefish! 

She is currently serving as a legislative fellow with the government affairs team. Some of her responsibilities include: ​​learning CCL advocacy methodologies, participating in monthly conference calls, sitting in on and taking notes for meetings and briefings on Capitol Hill and across Washington, D.C., and attending CCL’s Congressional Education Day. She also conducts research on different climate change-related policies, congressional research for biographies and meetings, cross-checks field reports, and provides administrative support for CCL’s dedicated volunteers, including email correspondence and assisting with outreach follow-up and training/outreach materials for prospective volunteer interest. Through this role, she hopes to learn more about how organizations like CCL choose policies to endorse and how they build relationships with members of Congress. 

She enjoys painting, doing yoga, baking, swimming, and reading! She has a chihuahua named Chico. Savannah’s favorite music artist is Amber Mark, and her favorite show is It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. 

Savannah would like to learn practical skills on how to make climate policy a priority in government. We are lucky to have her!