Intern Spotlight: Lucia Durst

Lucia knew that she wanted to study the environment in college from a young age, when she would read books about topics such as how to recycle and how to grow food at home. A rising senior at Tulane University, she’s majoring in public health as well as environmental studies, with a minor in philosophy. Both majors keep her drawn to climate change, as the climate crisis has significant connections to adverse health outcomes. This led her to enter into a combined master’s program where she’ll earn her MPH in epidemiology. 

Lucia Durst is CCL’s Education and Engagement Intern this summer! She is a rising senior at Tulane University.

On top of Lucia’s educational endeavors, she’s also involved in the Sustainability Committee and Undergraduate Student Government at Tulane. She’s currently CCL’s Education and Engagement Intern. Her duties include providing support to staff members and helping out with the summer Climate Advocacy Certificate Program. Throughout her internship, she hopes to meet new people, form lasting connections, and contribute as much as possible to CCL. 

Lucia enjoys reading, spending time outdoors, trying new foods, watching crime and mystery shows, and traveling; case in point - she’s from Madison, Wisconsin, lives in New Orleans, Louisiana during the school year, and is spending the summer working in New York City. She also has two cats, Milo and Sylvie. 

Lucia states that “I’m even more drawn to [climate advocacy] now that I’m studying public health as well because of the connections between climate change and health disparities.” Climate change is going to affect everyone differently; some will be worse off than others. She understands we must do what we can to mitigate climate change while providing assistance to those who need it most!