Promoting sustainability in farming techniques a key to climate solution strategy

Sofia Herron Geller is a sophomore at Oberlin College.

Sofia Herron Geller is a sophomore at Oberlin College.

In response to the June 13th article “New ‘Organic’ Food Fights Climate Change and Maintains Soil Health, Biodiversity,” It’s very frustrating to learn about climate solutions and farming techniques that are within our grasp, but that get no support from policymakers.

Small and mid-sized Ohio farmers could implement more of these sustainable practices with a boost from our policymakers. That’s why I’m excited about the Growing Climate Solutions Act, a promising bipartisan bill in both the U.S. House and Senate. Sens. Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman both support it.

The bill would provide basic scientific standards, a certification program, and technical assistance to help farmers, foresters, and landowners reduce their carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions by entering emission credit markets. In the realm of regenerative agriculture, carbon sequestration and reforestation are two important components that the Growing Climate Solutions Act would make a reality.

I truly believe that if farmers get the support they deserve to participate in carbon credit markets, they will have more means to engage in organic farming and other sustainable practices. We have to make sustainability economically and environmentally sustainable for all!