Let’s listen to the Chamber of Commerce and support market-based climate solutions

Elise Koepke is a student at the Georgia Institute of Technology and participated in our Spring 2021 Climate Advocacy Methods Program. Elise is also a communications intern for CCL.

Dear Editor,

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I was surprised not to see coverage in the Marietta Daily Journal of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s updated position on climate change. The statement, published last month, endorses stronger policy action to tackle the climate crisis, championing a “market-based approach” as the best solution to reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. 

For years, support has grown among the business community for putting a price on carbon and now it couldn’t be more clear - the biggest player in American enterprise is calling for market-based mechanisms such as a carbon tax, and it’s time to listen. 

One approach that’s already earned bipartisan support in Congress is the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. The proposed legislation will reduce carbon emissions by 40% over twelve years while encouraging U.S. investment in clean energy and returning money to communities in the form of dividend checks.

As a young person concerned about the livability of our planet and social justice for our communities, I want meaningful climate legislation that addresses both issues efficiently and equitably. And evidently, our Chamber of Commerce does too. With the recent climate reforms undertaken by the new administration, there's no better time to take action - let’s urge our legislators to join the Chamber and push a carbon policy through Congress.