Student Engagement at CCL

by Clara Fang

A diverse group of smiling young people pose for a photo outside.

Clara Fang (left) with students at the 2019 CCL conference

Clara Fang recently stepped down as student engagement director at CCL, a role that she has performed since 2016. During that time, the number of student supporters at CCL has increased from less than 1% to 12%, with 25% of new supporters joining in the last year under the age of 25. The programs she developed helped thousands of young people learn advocacy skills, organize climate action in their communities, and lobby their elected officials for carbon pricing. 

Clara was also instrumental in CCL’s diversity and inclusion work, presenting many conference workshops on the topic and serving on the diversity strategic committee since 2018. She is currently senior fellow at Citizens’ Climate International, a PhD candidate in environmental studies at Antioch University New England, and serves on the board of the Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 

Read on to learn more about what Clara learned from her time in student engagement here at CCL, and why engaging students is so critical to our work.